I have so much to be thankful for! As I mature I’ve learned to be okay with where I am in life NOW. Of course like most people I want so much more out of life and I will never be comfortable with just enough. I’ve just realized in the last couple years that god has provided me with everything I need and more and for that I’m THANKFUL.
What I’m Thankful For…
My relationship with God– I don’t like to push my religion on others, so this is just my story. In college I decided to get to know God for myself outside of my parents and grandparents. This relationship has grown into something beautiful. I’m not sure where I would be if I continued to try and do everything alone.

My Family- “Family over Everything” I’ve always said this and I mean it. I see so many families fight and stab each other in the back like strangers. I’m so happy that I have my family because they’re my biggest support system. Especially my Husband, Mom, and Sisters.

Being a Mother- Giving birth to my son was the best day of my husband’s and I life. I’m aware that not every woman will experience this feeling. It’s such a blessing to be able to give birth to a child.
This list could really go on and on but I wanted to talk about the things that I am most thankful for in my life. These are the three things that help me go on almost everyday with my head up. Not everyone can say there rich in these areas that I am.
Until Next Time..