I’m sure most of you know I’m a mom and married. I love taking care of my family, it’s definitely fulfilling seeing them happy. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I also have to take care of myself. A few times a month I like to schedule some time alone and do the things that bring me joy outside of my family.

Everyone’s self-care routine is different. The best self-care for me is quiet time. Every Morning I wake up a few hours before my family and sit in silence. During this time I read, drink coffee, and pray. This is how I set the tone for my day, which is so important to help me have a great and productive day. This time is so important to me because once my family is up, most of my attention goes to them.

Another way I practice self-care is exercising. Taking care of my body is very important to me. Exercising gives me the energy I need through out the day and also makes me feel better about myself. I know if I take care of my body, my body will take care of me.

Lastly, I love hanging with my friends. Sometimes it’s good to get away and have fun. When I’m with my friends we laugh and talk about old times before we were parents. It’s always fun to see how much we’ve grown. I believe in having an identity outside of motherhood and being a wife.
I hope that you guys were able to take something away from my self-care routine and incorporate it in your life. How do you guys practice self-care?
Until Next Time