I’m not a professional and far from a natural Lifestyle outside of my HAIR. This is just what works for my son.

I hate when kids get sick especially mine. It’s such a headache and as a mom it hurts my soul (dramatic). Of course I run to my local drug store and load up on Vick’s, cough medicine, warm baths and take advantage of his humidifier. Sometimes those things don’t work.

I started researching more home remedies and more natural ways to get rid of a toddler cold and the congestion. That’s when I found a recipe that consisted of everything I had here at home like lemon, cinnamon, and honey. I might be late to the party but I never thought about giving a toddler honey. As an adult I’ll make tea with honey and lemon, but never thought about giving it to my son. Each ingredient has it’s benefits that you definitely should research.

This has been my secret weapon for the last couple years. This recipe is more effective then over the counter meds.I’m not a expert or anything and this is just what works for my son. I’ll share the recipe link below.
Have you ever tried this recipe with your kids?
Recipe Here– without coconut oil
Until Next Time…