Lately I’ve been spending more time researching tips for natural hair growth. I went natural about three years ago, after giving birth to my son. One morning I woke up and cut it all off! For the last three years my hair has grown so much. I was able to reach a little bit pass shoulder length, but now I feel like I’m at a stand still. My goal is to reach bra length healthy hair. Here are some of the updates to my natural hair routine to promote hair growth.

Aloe Vera Plant- Aloe Vera plants have so many benefits, but in this case I’m using it to promote healthy hair growth. I’ve been using the gel from inside of the Aloe Vera Plant as a pre-poo overnight before actually washing and conditioning my hair. Once the Aloe Vera gel is applied to my hair my curls are so defined and hydrated.

Biotin– After giving birth to my son I had postpartum shedding especially on my edges area. Most of my edges grew back, but some areas are still extremely thin. I’ve heard other moms said that biotin worked for them with a mix of Jamaican castor oil.

Not Washing– I know this may sound weird to some, but my hair grows more when I don’t wash it as often. Instead of washing my hair every week, I will wash it ever two weeks. My hair type is 4C, so this is what’s best for my hair type. Shampoo strips my hair of moisture and dry hair causes breakage.
Moisturized– This is one of the most important steps in healthy long hair. With my hair type this step is very important, because if my hair is not moisturized properly my hair will get extremely dry. If my hair gets too dry it will cause breakage. If I don’t do anything else I will try to make sure my hair is moisturized. The LOC method works best for me (Leave in, Oil, Cream).
Regular Trims– Trims are also a very important step when trying to grow long healthy hair. I plan to trim my hair every 2-3 months lightly, to make sure it’s growing evenly. It’s better to cut off those dead ends, it will help in the long run.
I hope you guys find some of these tips helpful doing your natural hair journey. I will definitely keep guys updated on my results…
Until Next Time...
I am not natural but biotin works. Try wild grow too it stinks but it works! Love your content Kawana!
Really I’m definitely going to try it!!! Thanks 😘😘😘
hi Love ❤️ !!! I would love to help you on your natural hair journey!! I’ve created an organic hair growth oil that promotes hair growth , nourishes your scalp & skin , adds hydration , kills bacteria 🦠 & fungi, prevents breakage and lots more !! You should try it out ❤️😌
Oh wow!!! I definitely need to give it a try