Over the last couple months I’ve added a few new pairs of shoes to my summer shoe collection. My goal was to update my shoe collection with more basics, but also shoes I would be able to wear next summer. I’m excited to say that I think this project is complete. My goal is to always have items in my wardrobe that I can wear multiple times.

Tips I used..
Determine What you Need & Don’t Need- Ask yourself “How many times will I wear these shoes?”. Just because they’re pretty doesn’t mean you need them. Every time I’ve purchased shoes because they were pretty, I end up not wearing them or only wearing them once. That’s why it’s important to not just buy off a whelm.

Your Wardrobe- What colors do you normally wear? This will help you determine what shoes you should actually invest in. Recently I bought some lime green pumps, but I still haven’t worn them because it doesn’t really fit into my wardrobe. This goes back to determining what you need and what you don’t need. My go to shoe colors are white, nude, and black. These colors work perfect in my wardrobe.
My Current Shoe Rotation

Comfort– As I get older, comfort is definitely key. I’m not buying shoes that I can’t walk in anymore. I’ve found that the more comfortable the shoe, the more I can wear them. If you can’t walk in heels, don’t go out and buy them all the time. You can still be sexy in a pair of sneakers, sandals, and flats.

I went in with these tips and was able to build a shoe collection that I love. It’s all about making smart purchases.
Let me know if you try these tips!
Until Next Time